Product Rendering
One of the greatest opportunities in Dime was learning 3D rendering and the basics of modeling. This new skill opened the possibility of placing the product in whichever direction to the design. As well as to use 3D for a variety of projects.
Product Display
Many dispensaries do not have enough shelf space for more products. This display was designed to fit all the Dime products and be placed over the counter to avoid taking shelf space but still have plenty of presence in the dispensaries.
Backdrop and Banner
This project is a combination of 3D modeling and printing. To show how the backdrop and banners would look realistically, I placed my design in 3D models. After it was approved, the design was sent out to print. In many events there’s the opportunity of placing backdrops and banners. In this particular project the backdrops and banners had lights in the back to help the design standout more and bring more attention to the customers. Therefore, color of the design was manly focused on the products, fruit, and liquid to demonstrate the delicious fruity juiciness flavors of the products. The contrast of the white in the logo and information from the black background helps clearly visualize the name of the brand.
This is an example of the backdrop being used on a dispensary pop-up event.